Writing Meme #8

What’s your favorite genre to write? To read?

Bwah ha ha! This one’s easy!

My favorite genre to write is romance. Not paranormal–I’ve never been able to really pull any of that off. But I love a good old fashioned romance. I also enjoy love stories. They’re not necessarily romance (which have to follow a certain formula), but there is a love story and it is central to the plot.

I love to read romance, love stories, chick-lit (although I know it’s not called that anymore… and basically the only authors I still read who do that are Sophie Kinsella and Marian Keyes), and contemporary. I read a bit of paranormal, but I think I’ve been overexposed to it and I’m desperate for something set in THIS world. I also really like reading dystopia, but I don’t think I’ll ever try to write one.

My favorite category to read is YA, hands down. I’m not sure why I gravitate toward YA books. I don’t read them exclusively, but YA books do take up the majority of my shelves. It’s a shame that many so-called more serious readers refuse to see the value in YA books and insist on looking down on those of us who read and enjoy them. I’m glad, however, that there are people who are finally recognizing the impact YA books have on the reading world.