WFMAD Day Fourteen

Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu

Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Write down how you are going to fill your creative well this week. Include one field trip; trip to a museum, concert, movie, pumpkin patch, etc. After your “well time,” free write about the experience.

This week, I plan on taking at least one yoga class. That always helps me fill my creative well. I’ll have to get off my butt and head over to Moksha, where I will be able to meditate.

Actually a bunch of people I know are starting a meditation thingy tomorrow. Meditating every day for 30 days or so? I think I should do that. I get a lot of great ideas when I’m supposed to be emptying my mind. It’s crazy.

I find that I write the best when I’m not supposed to be writing. Or when I’m not supposed to be thinking about writing. Or thinking about anything.

I swear. I am the world’s worst meditator. I took a chakra workshop last year with Tias Little. I LOVE Tias Little. He’s amazing. I just felt good being around him. Anyway, I swear, one morning we did a long meditation. I remember something about a staircase and that is it. Or maybe a gate. Or maybe an elephant. At any rate, later, he mentioned something about that meditation later in the class and I was thinking “Um yeah. No clue what you’re talking about.” I’D FALLEN ASLEEP.

I fall asleep during meditation ALL THE TIME. If I’m not daydreaming about my story characters, that is. Or fretting about what I need to do later that day. Or TRYING to concentrate on my breath… but my mind just wanders all the time. It’s like I’m in a constant daydream.

I also have plans to have dinner this week with another writer. She’s much farther on the path than I am. She’s been published in a popular online yoga blog, and she writes her own blog. She’s also been published in yoga journal. She’s on the path of her dharma and it’s amazing to see.

I’m still struggling to find my dharma. I’m the type of person who is OK at a bunch of things but not amazing at one special thing. So, I’m an OK writer, but I choke under pressure. I have fun being an extra on movie sets, but the thought of auditioning for a real role terrifies me. So does teaching yoga to a class or even to one or two people.

But I think about writing, and I get all excited inside. I think about my characters all the time. Sometimes I even think of things to do with them… but sitting in front of blank page. It’s like… yeah. I know I’m not alone. I know I need to work through it.

I think a trip to a library or book store would also be good. Something about being around all those books fires me up. I can’t wait to get home and write. Of course, once I’m home, I’m like “la la la tumblr!” So… I think I need to start taking my computer or notebook with me to a bookstore. And going ON MY OWN so that people I’m with don’t start wanting to go as soon as I get there…. or start looking over my shoulder asking what I’m doing. Because I hate that. I HATE talking about any projects I’m working on with people because the magic then fizzles away.

I used to be one of those people who posted word count meters every few days, and who loved sharing my progress. I don’t do that anymore. I just can’t. It takes away my inspiration and makes my work no longer special.

Wherever I go, I’ll have to bring my notebook with me. It goes with me everywhere I go, because I never know when a good idea will pop up.

That’s not true. The good ideas usually pop up when I’m in the shower or in the car. My husband actually keeps a notepad on his dashboard. Which I’m not OK with, seeing as he is distracted enough when he’s driving…..

Anyway, my plan for this week:

Meditation + Inspiration + Creation

Let’s do this thing.