I Miss It

I haven’t been doing great with my writing, and I miss it. Every morning, Adam rolls out of bed and heads to Sip, where he buries himself in whatever project he’s working on for 3 to 4 hours. I think about MAYBE writing something, then I turn over and go back to sleep.

I miss being so into a project, not being able to wait to get home and in front of the keyboard. I miss having an idea, and characters I am in love with, and a plot that just goes on and on. I miss the excitement of having something on submissions and hoping someone will love the work as much as I do.

I don’t know how to get back into that mode without forcing myself and making myself hate it. I get inspired. I DO write. But then the self-critic FLARES up and discourages me, and I give up again. I fight like this weekly/daily/maybe even hourly.

I need to just DO IT because I MISS IT and I want it.