Well, I’ve managed to keep this up, and now I am on day ten. I feel like I should reward myself or something.

Lord knows I don’t feel like writing today–I’ve spent too much time goofing around on the internet and I’m sick of looking at my screen–but I’m doing it anyway.

As fast as you can, jot down ten ideas for books you want to write, limiting yourself to one sentence or phrase per idea. Then return to the idea that feels the easiest to describe more fully and give yourself the rest of your fifteen minutes to expand on it.

Well, I don’t think I have ten ideas floating around. I’ll do what I can, then.

1. an elite gymnast struggles with her dream as the pressures of national competition get to her, and as she deals with her longing to have a “normal” life versus going for the ultimate prize.

2. a high schooler starts dating a boy, and finds out he’s a prince. (yes, I know it’s been done, but it’s still fun)

3. a group of students with special powers are sent to a special school for training, not immediately realizing that the administration doesn’t necessarily have their best interest at heart.

4. an intense summer love story that ends in scandal and heartbreak.

5. a high school student breaks the status quo by challenging her school’s “tradition” of having segregated dances.

…. and that’s all I have for now. Good Lord, do people really have ten ideas floating around in their heads? Or more even?

The one I’d love to work on is #1–the gymnast. An elite gymnast has to make a LOT of sacrifices. I’d love to get in there and work through what she’d be thinking and feeling as she struggles with chasing her dream, but thinking of what she is missing in her “normal” life.

I have a lot of research material for this particular story, and I have somewhat of an idea of where I want it to go, but I have no idea how to execute it. I suppose that’s where drafting comes in. Or maybe free writing. Just to see what happens.

I want to touch on some of the technical aspects of gymnastics, some of the mental and physical work that elite gymnasts have to do, the sacrifices she needs to make, and the desires and longings. Of course there would be a potential romance–which is a built-in conflict in itself. And maybe one day she just wants to eat pizza and drink a Coke.

Gymnastics fascinates me, and I’m a sucker for a love story, and junk food is so deliciously naughty, so I’d want to incorporate all of those in. Elite gymnasts have to be strong–where could I sneak in some vulnerability–some chinks in the armor?

This is not a story I want to work on right away, though. I don’t feel *ready* yet. Ha. But it’s definitely something to explore down the road.

I don’t get a lot of STORY ideas, but I am always getting ideas for story elements. Certain character quirks or scenes that I’d like to happen, or backstory I’d like to weave in. I do enjoy losing myself in the worlds I build–if only I’d stop daydreaming about them and write them! 🙂